Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Asking, Seeking, Knocking - Some Great Notes to Meditate On Jan 16 2018

Notes from a service I attended. I wanted to share with you and hope this puts a whole lot more fire in you for this year! 

Blessings! Hanny

Read Luke 11:5-10

The difference between asking, seeking and knocking. He progressed and became a knocker. More aggression and effort. More umph.

He asks for three loaves and got the bakery. It’s not the asking. It’s how you go about it. How serious are we to receive our answer or healing or provision?

Intensify what you already know to do. We are touching it at some level.

The intensity must be there. After seeking we begin to knock. God doesn’t want to withhold anything.

There is more for now than what we see. More peace, more joy, more satisfaction. The more we have of heaven makes is easy to do without stuff in this world. Amen to that!!

We don’t pray with enough intensity. We might be here acting fired up but how are we at home in our prayer closet?

Our resurrection is something that happens on the inside.

We need to seek and search for Him with all our heart. When we seek our own it delays the healing and the money. He heals us to serve and prospers us to serve.

To keep anything we have to change our intensity. It becomes a part of us and a permanent internal change.

Mountains don’t move easily and sycamores don’t come up easy and giants don’t fall right away.

We intensify a lot of things to get what we want. Like solving an insurance problem, or getting a refund for something, etc.

We are wired to be intense but we do not apply that intensity to some very important things in our lives. We take short cuts and bargain deals.

This man became a knocker and intensified what he already knew to do. It wasn’t something that was out there. It was right in front of him. He had to beat on that door consistently and that’s what opened the door.

The energy behind our push to be healed matters- to get the knowledge we need, the provision or direction or answers.

We don’t want to get discouraged and quit. Most of the things we are after are important enough to push hard to get. God is looking for us to show some level of intensity.

In Billy’s example from a trip to the gym one day. He saw a guy with a chiseled body. He explained that it came with hard work day after day.

He was serious about what he wanted to have. Are you?

We don’t really put enough effort into what we say we really want.

For all the time we put in, should we be seeing more breakthrough than we do?

What do we stay up all night for to pursue?

Be consistent and that’s where we intensify. It’s doing the thing He has told us to do over and over again.

We don’t know when our praise is going to bring a glory cloud or cause Him to send an angel that night, etc.

How much passion are we putting into what we are doing where the things of the Lord is concerned?

Pure intercession is where we identify with something so much we take it on.

The devil may be a loser but he is so consistent in what he does. He chips away at a person’s passion and resolve until he gets them to break down and stop pursuing what they are after. Then they think God failed them and they quit - he wins and they lose.

Success is in the communing every day.

It’s what we do every day that forms habits that brings results.

What happens when we lose the fire and passion in prayer, etc.?

We are good at asking and seeking and then we wonder where it is at. We don’t get serious enough or urgent enough to keep pounding on the door until we get the answer like the man because of his importunity who got his bread for his friends and even more that he asked for!

God wants all of our heart. If we really want to experience all of Him we have to rise up and press in with intense passion!!!!!

Get more intense. That’s what knocking is. The man took importunity. He wasn’t just knocking. He began to bear on the door.

How intense have you been for something you really wanted?

The kingdom is for violent people who want to take it by force. Our anger gets misappropriated.

We should make the enemy pay and suffer for putting thoughts in our head. If he knows he will take a beating when he shows up he may come around less often.

The devil is a thief before he is a killer. First he works to wear us down. He chips away at us. He is consistent.

How much more should we be? Resist him.

Where he attacks us we need to respond immediately. He needs to know that when he strikes me I will bite back. Even if it takes leaving the room to deal with his attack.

We need to use our war chest. The word of God, that sharp two edged sword!!

We have to want some ground that is not conquered yet. He doesn’t give up easy. How much more bold should I be?

We are kept from being promoted because he is looking for more combustion. It takes a lot of combustion to launch a rocket.

Are you knocking on all levels?

Are we pressing for the healing and not the money or other things we are wanting?

It’s not what we get in life that counts. It’s what we keep. Why don’t we have it? Because we didn’t know how to keep it.

Becoming insistent and being radical is what will give us what we are seeking.

Remember when you prayed so boldly?

How passionate are you to get those answers and provisions and healing. Where is the fire?!!

Turn up the energy. Excellence. How do we exercise the information He gave us already. How are we doing with what He has already given us?

Where do we place our energy and our best effort?

We really chase after what is most important. It shows in how we spend our most intense effort in any day.


All the time we spend on cell phones and none of it has to do with pulling from heaven.

Begin to be consistent. Put some emotion in it.

When He says to do something, just do that and don’t add 5 other things to the list!

More perfect obedience and passion for the changes we want to see and the provisions we need.

Many stay in the asking and seeking mode and don’t become knockers.

If God doesn’t see us deem it urgent why should He affirm something we don’t affirm?

What we bind He will bind and He will loose what we loose. He backs up our efforts and energy because He has us covered.

Get serious today. Don’t let an urgent matter be the thing that gets us serious about the things of God. It should all be important.

What measure we give is the measure that comes back at us. This is a key principle of kingdom living. Sowing and reaping. You get back what you put in.

He wants to hear about the stuff in us that hasn’t been channeled His way yet!

His cry for healing with passion was a turning point. He did it with great passion.

Look at the money and tell it that it is serving me. When we are desperate it works.


Show some emotion that conveys that you mean what you say and are asking for.

Don’t be hot and cold. Ratchet up that intensity. One day a week get up earlier and forgo the coffee.

Send healing through email. Practice your gifts. Tell them you are praying for them.

Send someone an email. Practice being a blessing to others. A word of encouragement or a verse, etc.

Are you were willing to drop everything and go when you are called?

Holy Spirit is trying to intensify our search and we will get the prize. He has healing and restoration and wholeness for me!





Try something different than what we are doing with intensity.

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