Sunday, February 4, 2024

Obedience Brings Blessings

 Obedience Brings Blessings 

Song: I’ll Praise You Anywhere 

This week the Lord asked me to share my foot surgery testimony. Many of you know I had surgery this past Thursday and were praying. I want to thank you all again for praying because it has really helped! It’s such a blessing to have so many loving caring people in my life who really care enough to take the time to pray 🙏🏻 

The week before the surgery, I was not feeling well. In fact, the closer it was getting, the worse I was feeling. It felt like a flu without the fever, coughing, etc. I did not want to postpone the procedure because we have many things we want to do as the year progresses.

When they called to go over pre op things, I did not tell them how I was feeling. I told Denny I didn’t want to say anything. Then the Lord spoke to my heart and showed me that I needed to let them know. I called the doctor’s office and told them, and that I was managing it with Tylenol. They said ok. 

After that, the Lord said, “Now I can heal you.” I just kept thanking Jesus for healing me and I believed Him to do the miraculous in the surgery and afterwards. And He sure did! When I had a similar experience 28 years prior, I remember waking up in nothing less than excruciating pain! 

As I approached this procedure, I worked at trusting this one wouldn’t be a repeat. When I woke up, there was zero pain! It took me a few moments to realize there really was no pain. My foot was completely numb. 

I went home and rested. As instructed, I began taking a fairly strong pain medicine that was non codeine to “stay ahead of the pain.” Well, I went all through the night, and no pain even began until after about 9:00 Friday morning. 

The worst thing was the pain medicine. I don’t take any types of drugs and that stuff was hitting me hard. Then I had some foot pain and tried to manage it with Acetaminophen. 

I heard from the Lord again. Now, you must first understand that all those bad flu like feelings were completely gone! But the soreness from the surgery was uncomfortable but manageable. The worst thing was those strong pills! 

The Lord said not to use them. He told me to trust Him and take the Tylenol. I said, “ok Lord!” By the end of Friday, my husband and I thought maybe I better keep taking the pills just till we get past all this. You can see how human reasoning can try to move in and take us off course. 

By Friday morning, the foot pain was under control but the nausea and upset from those pills was no less than disturbing. I could hear the Lord reminding that I didn’t need anything but the acetaminophen. I asked Him to forgive me and stopped the other pills immediately. I disposed of them also immediately. 

Saturday I was able to go see the movie “The Chosen”, a three and a half hour movie with no pain! All day I felt fine! Today, we were scheduled to be greeters at church and even though it was raining super hard when we left to go, we got there and were at the door greeting every lovely person who came through the door. 

I even went up to the altar twice for altar calls, hobbling on my “robo boot.” Friends, by the nature of what the Dr. did for me, this should have been more, not less painful. But God did a miracle. I was able to hand out tracts to the people who attended to me that day, and everyone in the surgical suite paused to let me pray over the procedure and those who would be helping me! 

This was an amazing testimony of God’s love, His mercy for sure, His grace, and His desire to heal His people! Hallelujah! 

Here’s the main thing in all this. This is what He put on my heart to tell all of us. It’s our obedience to what He tells us that will bring about the greatest blessings in our life’s experiences. When we include Him in what we are doing, He is a loving, healing Father right here to help us. He wants to bless us so much! 

Look at this, 

”And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God:“

‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭28‬:‭2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

There are 14 verses in the book of Deuteronomy that describe the blessings for God’s people when we obey. May we never have to experience the next several verses about disobedience. Let’s walk in the blessings and allow Him to lead and guide our every step! 

28 years ago when I had the similar procedure done on both feet, the pain was unbearable for days! But back then, I didn’t understand how to pray and ask Jesus to help and heal me. My church at the time never taught anything about Jesus healing us in these days. And nothing about depending on Him to guide and direct our steps. 

That’s a great big praise and hallelujah for Jesus my friends! And when we miss it, all we have to do is ask for forgiveness because His mercy endures forever. Then we get back on track and move forward in all the good that He has for us. 

Please feel free to share this blog with as many as you like and give them my number. This is a private text so you may respond if you like. We love to hear from you. This is reaching so many people and the list just keeps growing - Praise Jesus! 

Love to you all in Jesus! 

Denny and Hanny Stearns

Fish N Loaves Ministries, Inc.

Multiplying God’s Word around the globe 🌍

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