Sunday, March 10, 2024

Faith & The Marketplace - Mary Magdalene


Most of us are out there in the marketplace working to support our family and the ministries we support. That's great! Some of us are no longer working, yet we are out and about from day to day with various errands, chores, meetings, etc. Today, I opened to a Bible story that is very dear to my heart. It is the story of Mary Magdalene. She had come to Jesus a sinner (sound familiar?) and poured her heart out at the feet of Jesus. She went to the right place for the right thing and her life was transformed.

Not only did she cry out to Jesus as she sought healing, forgiveness and deliverance from demonic influence, but she poured out upon His feet an expensive fragrance that she had from her financial supply. What does this have to do with us today, you ask? Everything! When we encounter Jesus and receive His forgiveness and healing, we begin to live a life of deep love and devotion to Him.

Our biblical example given in Mary shows us that her deep love and devotion caused her to give all of her life to Jesus. That included her financial commitment to support His ministry, her whole heart of full devotion to Him, and sticking with Him in His darkest hour. He rescued her in her darkest hour, and subsequently, she would stay with Him in His. Total devotion to all that He is.

This week, Denny and I had two different insurance appointments with clients. One on Thursday, and one on Saturday. It seemed pretty evident that these two couples did not know Jesus. We never pass judgment, but what we saw led us to believe that they may need some help getting there. The first gal had a boyfriend who was not present at the meeting except to pop in and say hi. I paid attention to the business at hand and waited for my opportunity to speak. Once I finished the business side of things, I asked if I could pray for her.

Her answer was yes, though very causal. Before I prayed, I went to the bathroom and prayed. I asked the Lord for His help. She seemed like she would be a "tough nut to crack!" I went back and prayed with her and then showed her our tract with Jesus' picture on it. Then we talked about the little boy who went to heaven and saw Jesus. We told her about the movie, Heaven is For Real." She looked at that picture and said it gave her the chills. Halleluja! Holy Spirit was at work! We left that meeting rejoicing and praying for that couple, knowing that God was on the move.

The Saturday appointment was similar. When her husband laid down, it was just her and us. We finished the business aspect of the meeting and offered to pray. She agreed. When I showed her the picture, she said, "His eyes are so mesmerizing." Then she said, "It gives me the chills!" I was in awe of God once again! Here He was, touching another lost soul! Wow! Again, we went to the car rejoicing in what the Lord was doing and praying for Him to help them to receive their salvation.

So how do these stories and Mary Magdalene match up? By faith in God and a deep devotion to follow Jesus, we will surrender all that we do and have to Him for His work in the earth to save people. He created people and He deeply loves people. I spoke with a lady while getting a therapeutic pedicure on Saturday following the appointment. She accepted the card and it was yet another situation where she needed Jesus.

You see, our work, our doctor appointments, our shopping trips, meetings, indeed, all that we do in the course of the week is an opportunity to touch people in the marketplace. And we need money to live and support the work of God's kingdom. All of this advancement of God's kingdom requires deep love, devotion, commitment and financial support. Won't you join us in committing all that we have to the work of Jesus in our lives and the lives of others? The devil doesn't want us to pay attention to this, but the Lord compels us to follow Him. Surrender all to Him and be about our Father's business.

Matthew 4:19 - Then He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."

Song: Victor's Crown

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Much love and many blessings to you and yours in Jesus' Name. Amen!

Denny & Hanny Stearns

Fish N Loaves Ministries, Inc.

Multiplying God's Word around the globe!


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