Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Dove - Rest in Me as I Rest on You


Here's a subject that is quite foreign to the human heart for most people. It's about resting. I have talked about this before. Today I am sharing what the Lord has been showing me all week. Whether you have been a Christian a long time, or just a short while, there is a struggle in our flesh to receive the rest that Holy Spirit provides us on a daily basis.

This doesn't mean that we lay around all the time and do nothing. Indeed, we must daily be about our Father's business. What it does mean is that we need to slow down in our hearts. We need to receive the blessings from the Lord every day when we spend time with Him.

Remember, in order to have something to give to others, we must first be good receivers. Many of us are always wanting to help others and give, give, give. But when it comes to receiving, most of us have a hard time. But how can we give what we don't have. If we don't take the time to read God's Word each day and pray, and let the Lord heal and comfort what's bothering us, then we cannot truly give to others from an abundance of what we ourselves have received.

I have walked with Jesus on a more surrendered basis since 2005, yet every day seems to be a new day of surrender, a new day of "rest." We need constant reassurance from Him, including His love and comfort. He must be more than enough for us. This means more than people, places, things, activities, everything. We must to fill up in His presence and then we can go forward in our day to be a blessing to others.

Doing this will also take the focus off of ourselves and the concerns we are facing in our lives. We all have stuff that's concerning us and much to pray about. That's where it all begins. Knowing that we are not perfect, may we have a heart that longs for Jesus and His comfort and guidance. He is our Lord and He will supply our every need as we daily surrender to Him. He is so faithful to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

Today when we went out to lunch after church, the young lady who was serving us seemed a bit heavy laden. We asked her if she would like to have one of our tracts. At first she said she knows Jesus and almost said, "I'm good" but hesitated when I showed her His picture and asked if she would like to share it with someone else. She responded saying that would be ok and took the tract.

When she left the table, we prayed for her. We knew something was heavy on her and we stood in the gap. As she continued to serve us, she seemed completely different. Her countenance was lovely. I wonder if she knows Jesus and spends time with Him in the morning to start her day. Only God knows. But one thing I know is that the encounter with her was used by our loving and merciful heavenly Father to lift her up. We were so glad.

So remember, no matter how long we have known Jesus, we still need to receive from Him daily. We need to rest in His sweet love. We need to allow Him to rest on us. A lot like that Mary Magdalene story from last week. Just to be with Him is a blessing we can take to others who need Him just as much as we do.

Song: The Dove (Belonging Company & Kari Jobe)

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Much love and many blessings to you and yours in Jesus' Name. Amen!

Denny & Hanny Stearns

Fish N Loaves Ministries, Inc.

Multiplying God's Word around the globe!


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