Thursday, September 12, 2024

Facing Your Giants


Where Does Your Help Come From?


Facing Your Giants


bible story illustration_ david against goliath_ good for story books_ children s bibles_ posters_ websites_ printing and more


What are you facing in your life that looks really big right now? Life can be full of giants, both seen and those unseen. Most of us know what those are. They are things we need help with, things that look just too big for us to possibly handle. But God! 

I recently read the story of David and Goliath again. I always wondered about those 5 smooth stones he had picked up when he was going to face Goliath. I always wondered why he did that, and we know from the story that it only took one to do the job. 

Remember, he had been offered a bunch of heavy armor to wear into the battle. It was stuff he wasn't used to using and made him uncomfortable. So he took off all that junk, and just grabbed what he normally would use when facing things like bears and lions as he protected the sheep. He did what he could in the natural realm, and went in there determined to take out this enemy who was defying his his God. 

What we learn from reading the old testament is that Jesus shows up in every single book, even though He hadn't come to earth yet in a physical body. Ok, as I read this story what came to mind is that Jesus is our Rock. The Lord got right into the middle of that battle and became for David his Rock that would take the giant out! All he did was to bravely go forward in faith, and Jesus got right in it with him. Hallelujah! 

Look at this: 

For who is God, except the Lord? And who is a Rock, except our God? (Ps. 18:31) 

Just like the rock that Moses struck was a representation of Jesus, and what He would represent for all of us who put our trust in Him, so that rock that David flung at Goliath was the Lord's power. Amazing! 

The bottom line is this. When we face anything difficult in our lives, we too can throw the Rock of our salvation at those situations and know that with Jesus in the battle, we always win and the enemy will fall. 

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord! Let shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. (Ps. 95:1) 

The Lord lives! Blessed be my Rock! Let God be exalted, the Rock of my salvation. (2 Sam. 22:47) 

That's good news. Maybe we just needed to get that refresher today. Maybe someone reading this needed to be encouraged that our God, our Rock is the only place where our help comes from. We can't put our trust in natural things - we need Jesus in everything - all up in our business if you know what I mean. 

Be encouraged today my friend and share it with someone else. Everyone needs to be encouraged from time to time. May God bless you richly as you face down your giants. 

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Our blog is reaching people all over the world! God is sending His Word out to the nations! Let us know how we can pray for you. We love to pray for people and see great things happen! 

We love you so much! 

Denny & Hanny Stearns


Denny & Hanny Stearns

Fish N Loaves Ministries, Inc.

Multiplying God's Word around the globe!








Don't forget to go to our website and order your copy of my new book! It's getting fantastic reviews! It is sure to touch many hearts and lead people closer to Jesus. Share a copy with a friend or relative after you have read it and keep praying that this message will have a global reach!





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