Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Forge


Tried by Fire


Forging Ahead



This week, we saw the movie "The Forge." It had a tremendous impact on me. My husband and I were deeply touched by it and I cried so much. It is a must see for every follower of Jesus Christ! It is sure to have an impact on us all.

I looked up the meaning of the word "Forge." It is a furnace where iron or other metal is heated into a form. Knowing this, we can see why they called the movie what they did. In the film, we see how to use our place in life to make an impact on another convert to help them become a disciple of Jesus.

Once we get born again, or come back to the Lord and surrender our lives to Him, there is a time of intense learning and developing spiritually that must take place. In this season of every new believer's life, it is the necessary transformation of going through the fire of cleansing and purging and transforming one's old thinking into new ways of handling our lives - God's way.

Many people may go to church and many may say they accepted Jesus in their hearts, but they never laid down their lives to follow Him. That is a sad truth in today's world. There are so many who say they believe in God and call themselves Christians, but never got to know Him and develop an active relationship with Him.

The process of going into the "forge" is to really become more like Jesus and less like the old us we used to be. My friend, this is a very difficult, yet necessary process we must all go through. As we do, the Lord Jesus will bring us many people we can make a difference for. The whole purpose of discipleship is for us to go out and do what the first disciples were appointed by Jesus to do:

Later He appeared to the eleven as they sat at the table; and He rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen. And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

Mark 16:14-18

As we walk with Jesus in this life, it should have made such an impact on us that we want to go out into our world, wherever we are planted, and make a difference in the lives of others. This week, I had a lady who I led to Jesus back in 2021 bring a friend in need to me. I led her to the place where she can get the counseling and deliverance that she needs.

From there, she will need to continue to grow and learn how to live as she follows Jesus. We consider it the highest honor to co-labor with our Lord Jesus to help others He wants us to touch and help.

How about you? Have you been so impacted by loving the Lord that you are out there helping others to do the same? May this message encourage you to draw closer to Jesus and allow Him to use you to change a hurting world. What can you do with Jesus once you have been through the "Forge?"

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Our blog is reaching people all over the world! God is sending His Word out to the nations! Be blessed and filled dear friend and pass this message along to others. Let us know how we can pray for you.

We love you so much!

Denny & Hanny Stearns


Denny & Hanny Stearns

Fish N Loaves Ministries, Inc.

Multiplying God's Word around the globe!








Don't forget to go to our website and order your copy of my new book! It's getting fantastic reviews! It is sure to touch many hearts and lead people closer to Jesus. Share a copy with a friend or relative after you have read it and keep praying that this message will have a global reach!



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