Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Day Devotional - Oh That Men Would Praise the Lord!

A Thanksgiving Day Devotional November 24, 2016

By: Hanny Lynn Stearns

Fish N Loaves Ministries, Inc.

“Multiplying God’s Word Around the Globe”

Psalm 107
Oh, That Men Would Praise the Lord for His Goodness, & 
For His Wonderful Works to The Children of Men!
This isn’t a regular Bible study, per se, though it is a meditation in His word of the chapter I would have done a Bible study on for this day had it not been a holiday. We had a magnificent holiday and I hope that whosoever reads this did as well. God is so good. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so! Hallelujah.
I did not get around to reading my chapter until the evening after the day had been well spent. Company is gone and my husband is sleeping. I had to come and soak in the word of God before retiring for the night. He has been so good to me. One review of this chapter reminds me of how gracious He has been to me. We have been looking at this in the past few chapters. Yesterday we were reminded not to forget the good things that God has done for us in the past.
Thanksgiving Day is a beautiful holiday – not just “turkey day” as some have become in the habit of calling it. It is a time of the year that we can start to look back over the previous months and see how the Lord has crowned our year with His goodness. He is so good and so merciful that it is difficult at best to find words adequate to describe the depth of His love for us. Truly His mercy does endure forever.
How can we look at this chapter but to consider how our own lives have been? As I looked and read, I could see how I could relate so much to this in so many ways. I was a wanderer. I really was. I wandered all over the United States as a teenager, hitchhiking from state to state and from place to place, never really having a home. I was booted out of the house at the age of 15 because I became pregnant, and after that I was a poor girl left to my own devices. I had to learn to fend for myself. I was hurt, alone and very scared.
But something in me (God’s Spirit) was there to keep me going and never give up. It was dry and barren. How does a kid go from living in a home with a mother and sisters and brothers to living in the street at 15 years old with no money, no family and only a couple of so called friends? How does one survive? What do they do? Where do they go? Especially if one had been neglected growing up and dad had divorced mom and was long gone, living in another country with a new wife and raising her kids.
I can tell you what they do. They do their best to survive from day to day. I bounced around all over the place. From Michigan to Florida to California and all points in between with all kinds of people, none of them the right ones. I was most certainly hungry and thirsty, both spiritually and physically. My soul was fainting within me. I was reduced to a lifestyle of drinking and drug use that soon became out of control and certain to claim my life by the age of 20. I figured nobody else cared about my life – why should I? 
Even though I asked Jesus to be my Savior at 9 years old, I went back home to a broken family and didn’t go to church or find out anything about God. Yet, standing on the side of the road one day with my thumb out as I waited for a ride, I looked up at the sky and this is what came out of my mouth, “God, if you are real, I would like to have a house of my own someday where I could live for a really long time.” No kidding, I really said that.
Little did I know at the time, though I was a 19 year-old wanderer that He had heard my cry. This is where we get to the part where I cried out to the Lord and He delivered me out of my trouble. It was only a few short years (seemed long at the time) before I moved into my own home and stayed there for 19 years. I got married while living there and ended up quitting my job at Blue Cross Blue Shield where I had worked a total of 8 ½ years to raise two beautiful daughters. God had answered that prayer. Praise His name forever!
While I lived in that house I began to go to a church with my husband and his family. It was the first time I was ever the member of a church. He had led me forth in the right way and gave me a place for a habitation. See verse 7. It was awesome what He did for me.
He satisfied my longing soul and He filled my hungry soul with goodness. Suddenly I was living in a secure place. I had two beautiful daughters. Even though I married the wrong person we managed to have many good times over the almost 22 years we were married. But after that I came to a place where I began to follow closer after the Lord. I was learning of Him, even if it was ever so slowly. 
Then I rebelled against His words by walking out on my husband and children to the arms of a stranger. Then I was brought low in labor by the Lord. He let me see every door in my life get slammed shut in my place. Where we had been living in a beautiful home and I had a great paying job after going back to work when my daughters were 12 and the younger 10 ½, everything that was bearing any fruit suddenly dried up like a parched desert. It was ugly – really ugly. I had no one to help me – no one!
I cried out to God again. I had cried out in our marriage for help in a season when we were getting involved in drugs and the Lord had delivered us and made a way of escape by giving us a second home in northern Michigan to get us out of party town in Detroit on the weekends. Then when I left my husband and was in such distress, I cried out again. That time was intense. I had never known such darkness in all my life. I almost died. But I cried out to Him. I went after the Lord with all my heart.
After I surrendered to Him in 2005, He sent His word and healed me. So many things immediately began to get brighter. I had a long, hard and slow climb up out of the pit, but He was with me every step I took. Looking at verse 22 can easily describe today. Giving God thanks for all He has brought me (all of us) through is appropriate at all times. He is worthy of all our praise for so great a salvation.
This chapter talked about those who work on the seas in ships and how they can see the mighty works of God. I thought about the elegant restaurant we went to for dinner today. In this restaurant, located right on the water with many ships of various sizes docked right outside the restaurant doors, there was an aquarium filled with many different beautifully colored fish. I looked at each one at length and could only marvel at the glory of the Lord as I looked at His hand painted creations of beauty. They had cute little teeth. Some of them looked like little kids in there swimming around. Others went by and it looked as if they were waving while they passed by saying, “Hi, so glad to see you today.” How adorable they are. How magnificent are the works of God’s hands!
I counted myself so blessed to be in such a beautiful place with the best husband on the planet and a dear sister in the Lord who is family to us. The three of us sat down for the finest meal money can buy and we were so grateful and so blessed. The Almighty has done marvelous things for us. He is worthy of all our praise!
My soul had melted within me and I had come to my wits end in this life. I couldn’t take anymore. I despaired of life so much that I tried earnestly to take my own life and put an end to my misery. But God had another plan – a much better one – hallelujah! Had I succeeded at dying that day in April of 2004, I would not be here enjoying the glory of the Lord in the land of the living. But He has calmed the storms in my life. He has made the rough waters a sea of glass.
Now I live to do what verse 32 admonishes us to do; praise and exalt Him in the congregation. Yes, I live to stand in the courts of the Lord’s house and speak to the people of the church and tell them how great a Savior we really have. Like those fish, so beautifully created by an amazing and powerful God, I stand here today in living color and proof that He not only exists, but that He is good, He is merciful and rich in loving kindness. People need to hear this.
The devil has worked overtime to give God a bad reputation and try to get people to blame Him for the bad things that happen in their lives when it has never been His fault – never! For the wicked, He can turn their places of prosperity into dry ground. It happened to me. He knows there is no one on the earth who does good and anyone who thinks he is righteous ought to think again. Look at this…
Isaiah 64:6
But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
I was included in this verse, as are all mankind. Oh, but for the mercy of God through our Lord Jesus Christ who has saved us from our sins. Our King on the cross who is and always will be the King of kings and the Lord of lords, is the reason why I am here today to thank Him publicly and give Him praise.
When I got to verses 35-38, it was the part I am rejoicing in now in my life. It is the place where we really find out that He fills our hungry souls, He gives us a place to live, a place to increase and multiply, a place filled with blessings. That’s where I am living at now. He has given me places to plant seed and He is multiplying my seed sown. He is giving me a harvest and it is only going to continue to increase as I do His will and His work. I am rejoicing in this. He has taken a lonely, hungry, wandering soul like me and though I was oppressed by the enemy in so many ways, He has set me free and blessed me to be a blessing to others.
Am I forever glad I did not die that day in 2004! I was mad that I woke up on earth that day, but today, I am so blessed that I would not want to have missed this. Would it be better to be with Jesus in heaven? Absolutely. There is nothing that can compare to being in His presence. But He had work for me to do here and I do not want to leave until my job is done. This is how I can give Him real thanks and praise – by fulfilling the calling He placed on my life and completing the job He has given me.
He has set this poor girl on high, far away from those former afflictions – all the pain, grief and distress. Do I have a lot to be thankful about today? More than I can name in this devotional. He has made me a family like a flock. I left my kids and family back in Michigan to follow the Lord, but look at this…
Mark 10:29-30
29 And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's,
30 But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.
This chapter wraps up with a crescendo of praise. Anyone who is righteous will see what God has done in my life and rejoice in Him…
Psalm 119:74
They that fear thee will be glad when they see me; because I have hoped in thy word.
Sinners on the other hand will hear of it and their mouths will be shut in amazement. If they still don’t see how real, how wonderful and how powerful God is after they hear what He has done for me, then maybe they will never listen. That’s between them and the Lord. We certainly want them to hear and be saved. That’s why we tell people about what has happened to us. The last verse tells us that anyone who is wise will understand this and they will know the lovingkindness of the Lord.
My life has been filled with too many miraculous occurrences that could only be God. He did it to show His power in my weakness and to proclaim His name in all the earth. He needs willing preachers. All of us have someone along our daily path who we can tell. There are many fish out there jumping out of the water right in our path each day. And they are beautiful to God – just like the fish I saw at the restaurant today. 
God loves the people. He just hates their sin. He wants to bring them into the boat and clean them. Then He will use them as nets to catch even more fish. Will you be a net He can use? Will you be so thankful for what He has done for you that you are telling anyone who will listen so maybe their lives can be changed from hungry to filled?
May this Thanksgiving be the best one you have ever had and may it be the beginning of new things for you as you find your joy and strength in Him. Thanks for listening!
Luke 1:46-55
46 And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord,
47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.
48 For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
49 For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name.
50 And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation.
51 He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
52 He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.
53 He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away.
54 He hath helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy;

55 As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever.

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