Thursday, June 11, 2020

More Than Enough God - A Study from Mark 6

More Than Enough God!

I had a dream last night about a grocery store. In it, I saw a line of grocery baskets. I asked the Lord to show me what this means. As I began to read the word this morning, Holy Spirit enlightened me as I read the account of Jesus feeding the five thousand. I was reading in Mark 6:31-51.

The entire chapter was really ministering to me; however, this part really spoke to me. Starting in verse 30, Jesus was calling the disciples to go away to a place where they could take a break to eat and rest. Even Jesus got tired and needed to eat and sleep. Here we see that even though He tried to take a break, He noticed a lot of people coming after Him to get help. He was moved with compassion and began to teach them many things. He set His need to eat and rest aside to keep on helping others. He wouldn’t turn them away. He is so amazing in His endless love for people. Later, I hope you’ll listen to the song listed below that speaks to this very issue.

After they spent the day listening to Jesus, the disciples recommended that they be sent away to get their nourishment, but Jesus had a better plan. The Father was fully prepared to feed the flock after they had spent time with the Word – Jesus. This is a sign of spending time to seek the Lord and getting around to the food and sleep later. This is something I have experienced on many occasions, and missed it on many other. How about you?  

What God wants to feed us for our soul is far better than what is on the breakfast table. One reason we can miss those moments can be a fear of lack or a sign of busyness. We are afraid that if we don’t get to the food now, we may not have what we need later. But that is not what we see here. We also think that we need to keep up the daily routine when the thing we really need the most is to spend time with Jesus.

Our loving heavenly Father is showing us that when we seek Him first to get filled up in our spirit man, He is well able to provide a bountiful table with more than enough. The baskets in my dream were a reminder to me of this very thing. I heard the song about asking Holy Spirit to come and fill me during the night when I awoke to go to the restroom. Perhaps I needed to get up and just let Him fill me and then seek Him further in the morning before moving on to eat my meal.

I won’t go into what has been happening in my life in much detail, but suffice it to say that fear of lack cannot and being “busy” with the cares of this life should not ever be tolerated. The Lord will provide. Not only can He multiply the food, but He can also multiply our time. I was heading to the gym while my husband started out to walk our sweet little dog. I passed by them on my way out and when our little Jesse heard my voice he came running toward the car. I took one look at that and had to turn around, park the car and walk with them.

Today I waited to go the gym until later. I have that option with my current schedule. I didn’t wait to eat breakfast, but finally caught on when all the pieces came together. I could look at things that the Lord was showing me that were strong indicators that He wanted me to wait and spend more time with Him. That is why I am sharing this today. My hope dear friend is that you will pick up on the signals when the Lord is prompting you to come aside with Him for a while.

Today, will you choose to trust Him more and stop allowing fear in spite of what is going on in your life right now? Will you allow Him to speak His words of love and comfort? He wants to fill you up on the inside. He just wants to be with us. That’s how much He loves us. He just enjoys being with us, as we should Him. He is faithful and He will certainly fill you up in the natural things He knows you have need of, like food, water, clothing, shelter, transportation, etc., and sleep.

Below I am listing some scripture references that you can look up as you study this. You may also consider looking at Psalm 42 as it ties in really well to this subject of longing for the Lord. It is seeking His kingdom first and the Father will add all these other things to you. Be  blessed in Jesus Name. Amen.

Scripture References:

Mark 6:31-44

Mark 4:19

Matthew 23:37

Psalm 37:25

Matthew 6:33

1 John 4:18

Psalm 34:8-10

Psalm 42

Song: Reckless Love by Cory Asbury

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